• Our Service


    Whether you’re buying or selling your home, we offer a range of inspection services to meet your needs.

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  • Our Report

    We provide a same-day, detailed and easy-to-understand report including visuals and recommendations.

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    Thinking of buying or selling a home? It pays to be informed.

    Your home is one of your biggest investments. If you’re buying or selling, a high-quality home inspection provides the valuable information you need to make sound decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

    That’s where we come in. Our home inspection service is exceptionally through and informative. That’s because we take our time with every home inspection and use specialized tools for optimum results. We invite our clients to join us at the end of the inspection for a walk through and ask questions. It’s like getting a course in home ownership! And finally, we provide a detailed and easy-to-understand inspection report complete with tips and recommendations.

    When it comes to your home, having the right information at your fingertips can mean a world of difference. Let us help you make informed decisions about one of the most significant investments of your life.

  • Contact Us!


    Call us today at 250.809.9120  Or book your inspection online:

    Book Your Inspection
  • Hi and welcome! I’m Earl Woodland and along with my wife Cindy {Office}, we are the owners of South Okanagan Home Inspections Inc. I am licensed thru Consumer Protection BC and I am a accreditted Home Inspector thru HIABC (AHI) CPBC #78635, WETT #12804 and Mobile Home Certified. 2024 Mark's our 6th year in business with hundreds of Happy Informed customers! We believe in giving our clients the best service possible. I inspect every Home and Wood burning appliance as if it were my own. 

    Contact us today to book an appointment or feel free to ask any questions. Office 250.801.0183(Cindy). We’re here to help!

  •  Our Mission Statement

     To be the Premium property inspection company for buyers, sellers, investors and real estate agents. By providing the industry's leading inspection report, consistently delivering an unmatched level of client service. Being on the forefront of innovation and upholding our unwavering commitment to ethics, expertise and excellence in our profession.